Monday, November 21, 2011


I'm so excited! I'm leaving to go to Albuquerque tomorrow and won't be coming back for a week! I'm excited to see family, friends, eat turkey, see my brand new baby cousin, and just RELAX. Did I mention Relax?! No homework, no school, no work for a WHOLE week! However, I will miss my Cairo, he's the baby I watch Monday through Thursday. I have to say I have become quite attached. I found my self giddy and excited to see him when I was driving home from the dentist. I couldn't wait to see his cute little face. However, when I got home he was very very upset. But a few bounces on the yoga ball and we were good to go! I have never been attached to a little human this much in my entire life, but I love it. There's something about babies that's just so peaceful, even when they're crying. Well, I'd better finish packing!

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