Thursday, September 11, 2008

I am so... at school we didn't even say the pledge...and today of all days you would think we would, but no the tv wasn't hooked up so the teacher said that we wouldn't be watching the announcements. Well last time I checked you could say the pledge WITHOUT a tv.

I remember this day 7 years ago...I was 9 and had just woken up to eat breakfast and my grandparents had their little tv set up in the kitchen so we could watch the news. I remember being so scared to go anywhere, and not knowing why someone would do something like that.

Today in class a girl next to me and I got on the subject of 9/11 and she said she didn't feel like talking about it because it was getting old and she was tired of hearing about it. Seriously, how could something like that GET OLD?!? I am really not understanding people anymore...

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