Monday, January 24, 2011

Random Pictures From January

One afternnoon my sister and I went to M & M world, and the Coca Cola factory. When we headed back into the MGM to the parking garage the sun was setting.

All the kids in Redmond for the weekend!!! 1/15/11
Ironically having lived in Vegas for 9 years I have never learned to play poker. The place I learned was a small town in Oregon called Redmond. It was a lot of fun and of course there was no betting.
I'm sewing a skirt. I'm not very good at it but I want to learn and it was an easy pattern so we will see.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


My trip was a blast!! It was sooo great to meet everyone and to see others I have met before. It was a real inspiration to me to see all of the kids up there, it makes me feel like I'm not alone, EVER! I loved it and everyone was so nice! I didn't even know most of them, but it didn't matter at all. I'm glad I went and will definitely have to make a tradition out of it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3 Days!

I leave for Oregon in just 3 days! I worked 12 hours yesterday, will work 12 today and 8 tomorrow. Then I took Thursday off to be able to pack my things and do anything I need to do before I leave. Then Friday I will fly up to Bend for four days and come home Monday. I'm so excited!!!! I can't wait until at least Thursday and these long days are over. It wouldn't be as bad if I worked 12 hours straight but I work from 8 to 4 or 5 then have enough time to change and all that jazz then I work from 6:30 to 10:30, it sure makes for a long tiring day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Health Goals


  •  Eat around 1200 to 1600 calories a day, no more, no less. 
  • Drink more water and less diet, caffeine free soda. (if you actually think about how it tastes it's pretty gross)
  • Walk/run/hike whenever I have the time.
  • DO NOT go to the store and buy ice cream that I say I'm only going to eat a serving doesn't work.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables as snacks instead of sweets.
  • Go to bed before 11pm, if possible.  
  • Wake up in the morning before 8, if I don't I stay lazy the whole day.

  • Walk/run/hike at least 3 times a week or more, for an hour each time.
  • Stick to healthy daily goals for the whole week.
  • Buy some weights so I can begin training again.


 I want to be able to run an entire mile or more again by the end of this month or the beginning of next month. I also want to stick to my daily and weekly goals for a will be a first!


 By the end of this year I want to be able to RUN a 5k, not power walk or jog but RUN a 5k! There are a ton here in Vegas and I've always wanted to participate in one! I also want to see about some sort of trail running thing...we have a ton of trails here and I've always enjoyed hiking so what could be better than that?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Vegas???

I ran downstairs in my pj's, barefoot with my camera just to take these pictures! My family thought I was completely insane, but when you're a Vegas kid and it's snowing outside you can't waist time with something as unnecessary as shoes...besides the snow might melt by the time you got them on.
The snow actually began to stick to the ground.
and the plants
our neighbor's tree
sticking some more...
It even stuck to the road!
I had snow all over my car!
Tucker wasn't sure about the whole thing
Tucker's pawprints
This is about all we got and it started melting soon after this.
He wasn't a fan.

New Camera

I got a new camera last Saturday! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! It takes really clear pictures and the amount of detail it pics up is awesome. I can zoom in on something that's just one cm from the lens!!


These aren't the worlds best pictures...they were taken on my phone. On New Year's eve I had a babysitting job at the Bellagio and we were on the perfect side of the building. The children and I could see all the fireworks down the strip! It was AMAZING! I absolutely love fireworks and the kids really enjoyed them too. It made the trip to and from the Bellagio completely worth it!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bellagio (more pictures to come)

This Post is kinda late. My sister and I went to the Bellagio with the workers in November! I forgot my camera so Tamara let me use hers, so it took a while to get the pictures. It was a lot of fun, the Bellagio is probably my favorite hotel here in Vegas. It's soooo beautiful. The garden and the fountains are amazing!

Where People Are Coming From