Monday, October 18, 2010

College Life

       I LOVE how everyone told me to be prepared that college would be like 30,000,475,009,226 times harder than high school anddd its not! Not one bit! It's sooo super easy, I mean I'm not that foolish freshmen who thinks it will always be this way, I know it won't be. It's just amazing! I love it, I'm able to be more independent and rely on ME most of the time rather than OTHERS for everything. This way if something doesn't get done it's my fault no one elses.
        I also love how I am ME again, I was sorta down in the dumps for a few months, I don't know why but I was and now I'm perfectly happy and obnoxiously crazy again. I'm also in the mood to clean, who knows why but I am, which turns out to be convenient because we have worker company next week! I'm soooo excited we have at least one worker every night for four nights! I'm sooo excited I just can't wait.
         So I was looking into moving out, just because I really feel like I need some space! But that's not going to work, so I kinda just need to suck it up and live with it for the next few years! I just can't wait to be my own person and not have to be responsible to or for anyone else for a little while and who knows maybe once I do move out I'll hate it haha! I suppose it's normal though for me to want to leave my parents house. I'm pretty sure if you asked any 18ish year old kid if they WANTED to move out they would say's just a matter of being able to.
         Well anyway I kinda need to take advantage of this freakish urge to clean!

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