Monday, December 26, 2011

I never thought I would be a crochet-er. I always thought that was for "old" people :). But I bought a book that would show me how to do it. I get a little frustrated with it, because I can't do it perfectly, but I'm slowly, very slowly learning that not EVERYTHING has to be perfect. And when I'm crocheting I don't think about anything else, absolutely nothing. Which is good. I find myself thinking waaay far back, or waay into the future and it quite frankly stresses me out.

Christmas was very nice. I read about a  family in CT, who moved there after the mother and father separated. The mother lived there with her 3 daughters. Her parents came to visit and spend Christmas with them. On Christmas morning the house caught fire and the grandparents and 3 girls were killed. I just kept thinking about how that mother must feel. And it made me thankful that I have both my parents, my grandparents, and my sister. And they are still here. But they won't always be. I find myself getting so caught up in work, or school, or whatever, forgetting that I have everything I could ever want or need. Of course there are always good and bad days, but I've been finding myself more content with my life. I have also been learning to tell people no, no I can't help them today, or no I can't go do this for them. I NEED some time to myself because it had gotten to a point, about a year ago, that I was soooo overwhelmed. I learned that for me to be the person I needed to be for everyone else, I needed to have time to myself. Time to relax, time to think, time to be alone.

On a different note, I have my classes all lined up for next semester. I'm taking anatomy (again...), photography, and political science. I'm definitely looking forward to it. I will be very glad when I don't have to go to school anymore. Anyway I'm going to enjoy this break while I've got it! :)

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