Tuesday, September 4, 2012


On facebook one of my friends started a group event for a 30 day no sugar challenge. And I figured I'd give it a shot! What this means is, 30 days of no...

High fructose corn syrup.

Dehydrated cane juice.

Raw sugar.
Turbinado sugar
Maple syrup
Date syrup
Rice syrup
Coconut palm sugar
NONE of these or stevia.
White rice or white rice products.
As well as dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, lactose ( with the exception of plain yogurt and cottage cheese), maltodextrin, malt syrup, saccharose, sucrose, sorghum, treacle, xylose, and barley malt.

This will definitely be interesting! I will try to post about the good and not so good days. My goal is to post once a day! So HERE GOES!

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